Do you sometimes feel a lack of energy?
Usually, we should all have enough energy to go through the day, but unfortunately, many of us lack it.
So what happens and where do we waste it?
We are all social beings and we like sharing our life with others and that is cool, however, Some conversations enrich us with energy yet others suck out everything we have.
But the conversations we have in our minds with ourselves can also be a source of tiredness and lack of energy.
Feeling overwhelmed, the choices we constantly have to make, Inner conflicts we find ourselves in, regrets of the past, and then worries about the possible future. Guilt, shame, and self-blame — all these play their role in losing the energy.
Have you ever felt any of these? Can you relate?
And then the way we perceive ourselves, our politeness and norms of behaviour imposed by culture and society, all this conditioning creates constant chattering in our minds.
See, there is so much going on at every moment of our day.
See, you have to be conscious of what you talk about and even think because if you will not you will end up feeling low.
So what to do?
The short answer would be to stop thinking… can you do it?
What do you think will happen if you stop thinking, did you ever try?
Try doing it right now. Stop reading and stay without thoughts. how does that feel?
Did you ever try living without thoughts? yes?
The longer answer could be to educate yourself on the specifics of the mind, its movements, and reactions. Honestly, the lower mind is not a very sophisticated mechanism.
You can also look at other people, and practice looking beyond the words people say.
Pay attention to their insecurities, fears, and concerns and how they choose to express them.
Notice, are they seeking reassurance, avoiding certain topics, or acting defensively, what does this look like?
Take notice of how you react, what triggers you, where you want to shut down from the conversation, and what conversations you want to avoid but politely continue to listen instead.
Where do you forget about yourself and get carried away by the stories people tell?
Maybe you will begin to notice how you lose energy in the inner conflict and frustrations about the things you can’t control…?
Begin observing others and really listen to what they say, without believing too much the stories they tell (for the sake of exercise), but pay attention to how they say things and what they mean. Are they fearful, concerned, tired, happy, or joyful? What?
All this will help you see things and activate loads of energy hidden inside you.
Let’s go and try it.
Play the game of life, and don’t get too serious about it.
In the end, it is just an experience and doesn’t really have to be hard. Life can be so much fun when you see it from the outside of your mind's prison.
Do you want to learn how to look at these things