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Create Ultimate Transformation

Create permanent success, confidence and peace of mind with time proven wisdom, principles and guidance.

The Truth Comes Hard

What’s the point of gathering knowledge if you don’t take any serious action?

Do you think something will change in your life just by gathering information?

Have you ever met a person who grew from information?

I caught myself repeating the phrase, “ok, I know this now, what’s next?’

My ego grew as I continued putting new things into my mind’s basket, and I became proud of myself: “How much I already knew.”

However, life didn't change much, but it has been throwing challenges at me, prompting me to stop gathering information and start acting.

No, something within me was not happy when I deserted to one practice, one meditation at the same time, at 5 am.

It was boring, dry, tough, and uncomfortable. I was sleepy, and I felt a little stupid.

Something within me rebelled: “Will i have to do this for the rest of my life?” “Yes” was the answer. It was scary to be inside my inner talk.

The part of me that didn’t want to give the throne away to a part of me that was ready to forget the results and just do what needed to be done was fighting to the end.

I felt I was going crazy from the noise in my head.

I did not give up I was observing this fight until one moment, I was puffed. and silence, deep silence, and then days and days of laughter.

You see, the serious part is often not sexy, innovative, or cool, not too creative and not even some transcendental stuff, or some fasting or keeping silence for 10 days, no, It had to be repetitive, similar, dry, “the same”, again and again until it became mastery.

Some argue with me, “Your methods aren't for me.” I have my own methods. “How don’t you understand me?” “Don't you see? It's not working for me.” “I tried everything.” I have done it already.

And the truth is they don't want to let go. It's comfortable to be a victim.

They live in expectations of miracles and do everything to hide the inner demons that prey on their procrastination, outer impression and affection, emotions, fear, pain and victimhood.

True valuable things don't come on a golden tray, and they don't come as expected, they never come the way you like it or want it to come.

It almost always comes in the form of challenges, doubts, inner pressure, and discipline. It comes disguised as the unknown, scary, and uncomfortable.

Until it opens up the gates to your true uniqueness, hidden you, true you, authentic you.

Until then, you are just a parrot repeating other people's phrases and living other people's opinions. Yes, I said it.

Truth is not thrown for free to your feet; it has a price that is not always comfortable to pay.

No, not the dollar price, but the price of patience, surrender, non-resistance, understanding, mistakes, imperfection, determination, and commitment.

But honestly, everyone must pay that price.

Everyone who truly wants to make their life matter.

And not for others to see but for yourself to shine your power, your grace and the unique beauty of who you truly are.

Resistance and the need to be right come from scarcity and fear to become nothing.

Authenticity, originality, and the ability to face the truth don’t come easy.

But you have to become nothing to become something.

You can’t pick up diamonds if your hands are full of stones, you have to let go of stones to pick up diamonds.

P.s. ……… Silence.

Kreutzwaldi 5, Tallinn, Harju 10126
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Create Ultimate Transformation

Create permanent success, confidence and peace of mind with time proven wisdom, principles and guidance.